I am extremely happy to be able to accept this award. I’d also like to nominate Seabell for next edition.

“Abandonment” was said.

I picked words from you as ripe

And bursting as cherries and

I also watched the beside-the-table

Where you used to take your seat and

Made a small cut in time

So the past could sap your

Presence. Meantime is where we

Dwelt. Moon-time is the air

We inhaled, that a balcony has formidably


A mutilated siren of your weeping

Precedes me to the hospital of loss.

This is where nurses have soothing names

And talk of gentle blood, giggling.

I sit, my far flung gaze like a limping dachshund

Confining its world to saccadic barking,

…I, Here, Now, I, Here, Now, Now, Now…!

The solipsism of intellect

Deprived of green trees, white brooks and yellow thunders,

Doorknobs, letters and steering wheels.

So I sat, “there” was the only signification

That world had not disappeared.

All because there was someone

And then there was no-one anymore.